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Mac and Cheese and Variations

I have thrown together homemade mac and cheese before, but it's usually on the fly with whatever cheeses are in my fridge- American, cheddar, provolone, parmesan etc. I found this recipe on Pinterest and Henry and I made it together month at Easter. Henry stirred constantly while I dumped ingredients in. A roux can be a little intimidating, can't it? Feels like you need four hands.

I had intended to add homemade mac and cheese to the Christmas menu, but our family had two really rough life events occur in quick succession. We were also hosting my eldest daughter and her husband and their three pets and I wanted everything to be perfect. They live on a military base five plus hours away his job is demanding, so we don't get to see them in person too much. As I often do, I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to reach perfection and I did end up cutting some things.

One of the great things about mac and cheese is how nicely it goes with leftover holiday ham. So this recipe ended up on the menu right after Christmas. Here's a tip for novice cooks- If you are making a recipe that involves a roux, lay out your ingredients neatly next to the stove for simply pouring in as you go. Put your spices in a little dish and mix them together. Pour your milk/cream out into a bowl or measuring cup. Grate your cheese and divide it on paper plates ready to go. You get the idea. No fumbling around for things.

Note: I have made this recipe twice now, and I haven't used the soup. Next time I think I will just for the additional creaminess. I also plan to try this with the addition of diced chicken tossed in buffalo sauce and topped with bacon crumbles.

The end of the year is a good time to relax and reset, especially if the holiday season tends to grind you down. I hope this last week of the year and the start of the new one are restful and inspiring for you.


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Welcome to Jenni Mack!


We're entering an exciting new stage in our lives, and I can't wait to share it with you. We are newly married, house hunting, and enjoying new phases of parenting as the youngest become teenagers and the young adults spread their wings. I hope you'll join us here as we celebrate all things home and family in this new adventure!

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