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Welcome to JenniMack!

I started this blog as a place to collect the bits and pieces of life that I want to preserve for our kids. From family recipes and traditions to day to advice on how to deal with setbacks, this collection of love-letters to the kids is here for you to see too.

I am a Christian, but I am a work in progress.

My husband and children are the most important people in the world to me, but that doesn't mean I never struggle to manage my obligations.

I am a nurse, but I don't always know how to make people feel better.

We're all just doing the best we can.

When I am gone, I want my family to have good memories. I want them to be deeply rooted in tradition, and to remember not just "how mom did it", but that I loved doing it, because I loved them.

That's why this blog is here.

Where I'm From

I am from America....

I am from upstate New York

I come from farmers and hunters

from house builders and home makers

the open fields and roadside wildflowers.

I am from XXXXX Road and XXX Drive

from farms to gardens

meadows to picket fence

always lavender and warm meals.

I am from a mixed family always growing

from matching socks and split interests

I am found in playgrounds and piano rooms

with canes and glass cases.

I am from country and rock

from James Taylor and Bon Jovi

from "You are My Sunshine" and "Wheels in the Sky"

I am from the humming of my mother

and the hymns of my grandparents.

I am from the growing-up-too-fast

and the enjoy-it-while-it-lasts

from the fights and the makeups

from the tears and the laughter.

I am from every country and every continent

from every mother and father

I am from family and loyalty.

I am from America.


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Welcome to Jenni Mack!


We're entering an exciting new stage in our lives, and I can't wait to share it with you. We are newly married, house hunting, and enjoying new phases of parenting as the youngest become teenagers and the young adults spread their wings. I hope you'll join us here as we celebrate all things home and family in this new adventure!

You can click "about us" below to get to know us, and be sure to follow JenniMack on your favorite social media accounts!

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