Welcome to JenniMack!
I started this blog as a place to collect the bits and pieces of life that I want to preserve for our kids. From family recipes and traditions to day to advice on how to deal with setbacks, this collection of love-letters to the kids is here for you to see too.
I am a Christian, but I am a work in progress.
My husband and children are the most important people in the world to me, but that doesn't mean I never struggle to manage my obligations.
I am a nurse, but I don't always know how to make people feel better.
We're all just doing the best we can.
When I am gone, I want my family to have good memories. I want them to be deeply rooted in tradition, and to remember not just "how mom did it", but that I loved doing it, because I loved them.
That's why this blog is here.
Where I'm From
I am from America....
I am from upstate New York
I come from farmers and hunters
from house builders and home makers
the open fields and roadside wildflowers.
I am from XXXXX Road and XXX Drive
from farms to gardens
meadows to picket fence
always lavender and warm meals.
I am from a mixed family always growing
from matching socks and split interests
I am found in playgrounds and piano rooms
with canes and glass cases.
I am from country and rock
from James Taylor and Bon Jovi
from "You are My Sunshine" and "Wheels in the Sky"
I am from the humming of my mother
and the hymns of my grandparents.
I am from the growing-up-too-fast
and the enjoy-it-while-it-lasts
from the fights and the makeups
from the tears and the laughter.
I am from every country and every continent
from every mother and father
I am from family and loyalty.
I am from America.