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Weekend Getaway on the Maine Coast

Hi guys!

Ralph took me away for the weekend. We stayed in our favorite coastal Maine beachfront hotel, so even though it was cold and windy we could crack our door and hear the sound of the ocean and smell the air. This was the view straight from our door:

We went for a bundled up walk on the beach and picked up a few small shells for our collection. Ralph brings home sand from every beach we go to. This time he mentioned having his collection mixed into the concrete around the swimming pool at our forever home. That's the kind of thing I love and I am trying to incorporate into our home all the time.

We spent some time visiting local sights. My kiddos would recognize this old friend. They have climbed on these rocks and breathed the ocean air here more times than I can remember. I was disappointed that the gift shop is still closed for the season. They have the cutest things there, and I try to pick up a few things now and then that will get incorporated into our pool house and outdoor dining area when we find our forever home.

We drove to Kittery and browsed around the outlets, but I don't think we bought a single thing. We've lived within driving distance to the Lake George outlets and the Manchester outlets for so long that while we like outlet shopping, we have more fun in the local specialty shops when we're traveling.

We tried a few new restaurants on the drive and while we were there. The best meal we had may have been from Anthony's in York- we ate our dessert in the car while we waited for our pizza to bake, and then we ran back to our hotel and ate our dinner snuggled up in bed. We REALLY needed some down time.

We did stop at another old family favorite on the way out of town. I tried a blueberry fritter this time, and I will definitely want another one of those. The rest came home for the kiddos, one in particular. you know who you are!

Ralph is such good company on road trips. Nothing ever frazzles him. It must be the 23 years of constant movement in the Army. He's fine wherever he is, and I love traveling with him. But it's good to be home. No matter how much you need the downtime, the homecoming is always a great feeling.

I hope you're finding time to relax and connect with your significant other. Take care!


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Welcome to Jenni Mack!


We're entering an exciting new stage in our lives, and I can't wait to share it with you. We are newly married, house hunting, and enjoying new phases of parenting as the youngest become teenagers and the young adults spread their wings. I hope you'll join us here as we celebrate all things home and family in this new adventure!

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